
What You Need to Know Before Traveling With Your Dog

Traveling with your dog isn’t just about preparing where to take them, you also have to think of how to take care of your dog while on the road or during the flight. To avoid any stressors and issues while traveling with your dog, this article will tackle what you need to prepare for.

  1. Plan Ahead and Research

Before you even hit the road or book a flight, you need to research!

If you plan to travel by car, search for the rules in relation to having a dog in the car, as laws would vary in different locations. Some areas allow dogs in the front seat, though they may need to be restrained. If traveling by plane, airlines may or may not allow your dog in the cabin, so you will need to check and prepare ahead for that.

And of course, you will need to stay in pet-friendly accommodation and to make sure that the areas you visit with your dog are safe and legal for pets to roam around in.

Furthermore, be sure that your dog has undergone health checks and is up-to-date with his vaccinations prior to the travel. Bring his passport (if required), health certifications, and shot records, along with other documents that prove he is your dog, that he is healthy, and he is ready for travel.

  1. Train Your Dog

If it’s the first time your dog will be on a vehicle or out traveling, they may not react well. Some pets won’t like it despite having trial runs! However, training and letting them practice staying behaved in a moving vehicle is the most effective way to keep them from misbehaving or feeling anxious.

Crate training is a great method, especially when dealing with extended travels on flights. You can test out other techniques to make them tired enough so they won’t notice or sleep through the travel.

  1. Prepare Everything You Both Need

You can most likely find pet supplies in the area you plan to visit, but it’s still better to purchase them before leaving, as they may end up being pricier. This goes for both pet supplies and equipment, like a no pull dog harness for walking, puppy pads or pet beds for the hotel room, and the like.

Be sure to pack for both you and your pet. Here is a checklist for things your pet will most likely need:

  • Food and water for at least 3 days
  • Dog bed
  • Puppy pads and poo bags
  • Collar and leash
  • Their favorite toys and blanket
  • A cage or dog car seat
  • Treats and a pet water bottle while roaming around different areas (you can find these in PetSwag)

Traveling with your dog can be very fun, but it can also be a stressful time when left unprepared. By knowing what to bring and preparing ahead with thorough research, you can enjoy more of the memories with your furry friend.

If you’re about to embark on a new journey with your dog, keep these points in mind!

Infographic Provided By Parts Via, a provider of camping accessories for sale

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