
Understanding the Smartest Choices for the hypoallergenic dogs

Hypoallergenic dog breeds are best suited for individuals with dog allergies. However, although we speak of a “hypoallergenic breed”, this does not mean the complete absence of an allergic reaction. These dogs produce a reduced amount of allergens and therefore an allergic person tolerates them better. So what to do if you are allergic to dogs? So choosing hypoallergenic dogs  is the best option in these cases now.

Best Hypoallergenic Dogs [Updated January 2021] | Pumpkin Pet Care

The Question of Immunity

A person with a dog allergy does not have an immune response to the animal itself, but to allergens it produces. These are proteins that can be found in the animal’s saliva, hair, or sebaceous glands (located in its skin). It can also be external elements, such as dust, mites, or pollen, which seep into the dog’s coat and cause these allergy symptoms to appear.

In reality, there are no strictly hypoallergenic dogs, as all breeds produce these allergens. On the other hand, some breeds release a smaller amount of allergenic proteins and hardly shed hair, which helps to limit the number of allergens in the environment.

The Right Steps for Prevention

The prevention is simple to not present symptoms do not have contact with the dogs. However, the idea is not always well received by those who like the presence of these animals. In milder cases, all you need to do is ventilate your home and constantly vacuum the dog’s dust and hair to soothe the unpleasant symptoms of allergies.

Where does dog allergy come from?

Allergy to dogs is mainly due to the protein Can f. For the moment, 6 allergens are known in this family, of which only 3 present a large number of sensitive people. Let’s get to know them:

Can f1

Secreted by the salivary glands, this allergen is one of the most common, 44% of people allergic to dogs are sensitive to Can f1. This protein is transmitted to the dog’s hair and skin through licking. Therefore, it disperses quickly in the environment where the animal lives, in addition to being resistant to heat and washing.

Can f2

It is also secreted by the salivary glands. It is the second most common allergen, with 32% of people allergic to dogs being sensitive to Can f2. It is transmitted in the same way as Can f1 but is easier to wash away from the environment.

Can f4

Can f4 is produced by the skin, it is present in the hair of dogs. 50% of people are sensitive to this allergen. It is recommended that individuals who suffer from hypersensitivity take a test to understand which allergens the body is responding to. Once the culprit allergen has been identified, people can optionally choose one of these “hypoallergenic dog” breeds.

Which breeds of dogs are the least allergic?

Arguably, some dog breeds, or crossbreeds, are more favorable for people with allergies because they shed less hair and are therefore less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

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